Date: Wed, 09 Sep 1998 22:57:05 +0000
From: Bruce Howlett <>
Subject: Re: Memetics or artefactics?
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Tim Rhodes wrote:
> Mario Vaneechoutte wrote:
> >What then do you want to study when you propose that memetics should be
> >artefactics?
> >Pottery?
> I think this confusion over the use of the word "artifact" goes back to
> something I asked about here on this list a while back, "What term can we
> _agree_ to use to describe the physical manifestations of a meme?"
> I would prefer to call it by a nifty new term some of you might have heard
> of: "MEME" (I suspect Dereck might agree with me here). And to call the
> thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that spawn such a thing... well, gosh, how
> about something like, say... THOUGHTS, ATTITUDES, and BELIEFS perhaps?!?
> I understand that this is radical thinking and as such unlikely to meet with
> widespread approval. But I offer it for your amusement nonetheless.
> ;-)
> -Tim Rhodes
Well said, and thank you. *In terms of the mind, the mechanisms for pattern
changing are mistake, accident and humour.* (de Bono 1982)
Bruce Howlett. B.A.L., J.P.
Researching: Management of Change in Organizations: The Culture Concept
at the University of New England
Armidale NSW 2350
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Tim Rhodes wrote:
Mario Vaneechoutte wrote:Well said, and thank you. *In terms of the mind, the mechanisms for pattern changing are mistake, accident and humour.* (de Bono 1982)>What then do you want to study when you propose that memetics should be
>Pottery?I think this confusion over the use of the word "artifact" goes back to
something I asked about here on this list a while back, "What term can we
_agree_ to use to describe the physical manifestations of a meme?"I would prefer to call it by a nifty new term some of you might have heard
of: "MEME" (I suspect Dereck might agree with me here). And to call the
thoughts, attitudes and beliefs that spawn such a thing... well, gosh, how
about something like, say... THOUGHTS, ATTITUDES, and BELIEFS perhaps?!?I understand that this is radical thinking and as such unlikely to meet with
widespread approval. But I offer it for your amusement nonetheless.
;-)-Tim Rhodes