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Date: Wed, 08 Apr 1998 13:46:11 +0100
From: Bruce Edmonds <>
Subject: CFP: Socially Situated Intelligence
A call for papers for:
Socially Situated Intelligence
a workshop at SAB'98: the Fifth International
Conference of the Society for Adaptive Behavior
University of Zrich,
17 - 21 August 1998,
Workshop Web Pages:
Submissions by: 14th June 1998
The Topic
In recent years it has been increasingly recognised that
many important aspects of intelligence are grounded in
an intimate interaction with a physical environment -
what is called `embodied intelligence'. This workshop
is to explore aspects of intelligence and intelligent
behaviour that might be grounded in interaction with
a social environment, hence the title:
`Socially Situated Intelligence'.
Relevance of the Workshop
Much research into intelligence and adaptive behaviour
has been done from the point of view of single agents.
Even work into intelligence and adaption in social
situations has taken an approach where the intelligence
or ability to adapt is built into the agent separately
from the social situation it is then put into. However, it
is clear that there may be a significant difference
between an intelligence that has evolved (or at least
significantly developed) in a social context, and an
intelligence that is not socially grounded in this way.
The workshop aims at identifying the basic differences
between these two conceptions of intelligence and
wants to further a better understanding of the specific
mechanisms which make natural or artificial agents
Example Topics of Interest
* co-evolution of social intelligence by agents
differences between socially situated and
individual intelligence
* examples of the impact of elements of social
intelligence in societies of agents (either real or
* requisits necessary for social intelligence to
* connections between language and social
* the adaptive value of communication and
cooperation between agents
* models of emergent intelligence in societies of
agents that are not present in the individuals
* progress towards implementing a socially
situated intelligence in artificial agents
* applications particularly suitable for socially
situated intelligence
* philosophical considerations and models of the
socially situatedness (or otherwise) of
* how social factors effect intelligent faculties
(such as learning, identification of context, and
* steps towards socially intelligent robots
* ...related issues.
Information about the SAB'98 Conference
Information about the conference this is a part of can
be found at URL:
Registration for the conference is necessary for
participation in the workshop.
Potential Participants
The workshop aims to be inter-disciplinary in
nature and so open, to academics from
almost any field, but we would expect most interest
from those in: artificial intelligence, biology, robotics,
cognitive science, artificial life, social sciences,
sociology, psychology, linguistics and philosophy.
Proposed Format for the Workshop
Given that this is a workshop, the emphasis will be on
discussion. Thus the format will comprise of:
* About six 20 minute papers presented verbally +
at least 10 minutes for discussion
* One series of parallel breakout sessions (on
more specialist topics wanted by participants)
* One open session.
Submissions should be original full papers not more
than 8 pages in length (using reasonable margins, fonts
and spacing). Papers will be reviewed by at least two
referees. The papers should include all relevant contact
information, an abstract and a list of keywords.
Papers should be sent to Bruce Edmonds at (as compressed
postscript formatted for A4 paper, or compressed
Acrobat "pdf" format). Electronic submission is greatly
If you can not submit electronically then post 5 paper
copies (double-sided if possible) to:
Centre for Policy Modelling,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
Aytoun Building,
Aytoun Street,
Manchester M1 3GH.
United Kingdom.
*** to arrive no later than: Sunday 14th June 1998. ***
All papers will be published electronically in full, as
part of the Centre for Policy Modelling's technical
report series, unless the author wishes otherwise and
provided the author can provide the paper in suitable
electronic form by the due date. This can be in any or
all of the following formats: ascii text, html, postscript,
or adobe acrobat format.
There will be paper pre-proceedings distributed at the
workshop. The verbally presented papers will be
included there in full, other papers will be presented
there as 4-page extended abstracts. It may be possible
to present your paper as a poster if you are not selected
for verbal presentation.
The organisers plan to publish a selection of revised
versions of papers (whether verbally presented or not)
with a high quality publisher.
Important Dates
14th June 1998 - Submission date
7th July 1998 - Notification of Acceptance
26th July 1998 - Final Copy Due
17th August 1998 - The Conference
The Program Committee
Varol Akman, (Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey)
Cristiano Castelfranchi, (CNR, Italy)
Kerstin Dautenhahn, (University of Reading, UK)
Bruce Edmonds, (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
Liane Gabora (UCLA, US)
Graeme Hirst, (University of Toronto, Canada)
Gloria Mark, (GMD, Germany)
Scott Moss, (Manchester Metropolitan University, UK)
Eric Werner, (FGCU, USA)
Bruce Edmonds,
Centre for Policy Modelling,
Manchester Metropolitan University,
Aytoun Building, Aytoun St.,
Manchester M1 3GH. UK.
Fax: +44 (0) 161-247 6802
Tel: +44 (0) 161-247 6479
Kerstin Dautenhahn,
The University of Reading
Department of Cybernetics
Whiteknights, PO Box 225
Reading, RG6 6AY. UK.
Fax: +44 (0) 118 -931 8220
Tel: +44 (0) 118 -931 8218 or 6372
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