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Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 07:03:17 -0400
From: (Bill Benzon)
Subject: Howard Bloom on memes
>From: Howl Bloom <>
>Date: Thu, 11 Dec 1997 01:33:41 EST
>Subject: re: testing memetics--personal
>Organization: AOL (
>X-Mailer: Inet_Mail_Out (IMOv11)
>Bill--the octopus posting hit the bullseye again, at least in my humble
>opinion. Could you do me a favor and post the following on the relevant
>memetics board? All my thanks--Howard
>Mark--Your posting on octopus memes was *extremely* interesting. Thought the
>following chapter on octopus memes from my upcoming book on _The Global Brain_
>(John Wiley, Spring, 1999, abridged German edition Bollmann Verlag Spring
>1998) might prove of interest. Howard Bloom
> 720 million to 65 million b.c.
> by
> Howard Bloom
> (author of The Lucifer Principle:
>a scientific expedition into the forces of history
> for two chapters and an intellectual www tool kit
> see\lucifer)
>When we last left off, bacteria and viruses had developed both local
>networked intelligence and the grander web we call a global brain.
>Meanwhile new, highly complex cells--the eukaryotes--had broken fresh
>ground in intranetting. Half a billion years of eukaryotic upgrades (2.1
>billion b.c. to 1.6 billion bc) had led to multicellular creatures--beasts of
>infinitely greater talent than the prokaryotes preceding them. But the
>new macro-organisms were missing something: the worldwide
>information swap available to their microbial competitors. They had
>gained innumerable gifts, but had lost their worldwide mind!
>One of the dramatis personae with which we ended was the clam, which
>bowed into the fossil record at 720 million B.C. That bivalve probably
>possessed an information processing device we failed to mention--
>memory. Memory exists in insects, mollusks, and many of the life
>forms which came into existence during the Cambrian explosion.
>Recent research has demonstrated that even the lowly fruit fly, a relative
>of Cambrian antecedents, has a storage system which works in the same
>stages as ours--short term memory leading to mid-term memory and
>finally long-term memory--all made possible, as with humans, only if the
>fly does not cram its lessons but sips them slowly, taking periods of rest
>for data digestion.
>Researchers have recently pinpointed the pre-Jurassic genes responsible
>for this sequence in insects, shellfish, chicks, and humans. Recall
>another actor in our previous episode--the internal cellular messenger
>known as cyclic AMP. Cyclic AMP was a holdover from bacterial days,
>one which became even more essential to multicellular beings, and which
>continues to carry out its roles in you and me. Researchers at the Cold
>Spring Harbor Lab are convinced that sometime before 200 million years
>BC, a knowledge-accumulator gene called dCREB2 harnessed cyclic AMP
>for a new purpose--rapid data storage. (CREB stands for cyclic-AMP-
>responsive element-binding protein.)
>Before eukaryotic cells emerged, information had been saved in
>chromosomes--welded chains of coded nucleotides. In bacteria, altering
>these genetic files had been relatively easy. But the complexity of
>eukaryotes had a drawback: their DNA archives were a thousand times
>vaster than those of their predecessors. This size had pluses and
>minuses. The functions eukaryotes could handle expanded
>exponentially. But their flexibility and swiftness of adaptation
>underwent a staggering decline. The genetic libraries which had been
>RAM now approached the immobility of ROM.
>When neural memory appeared, the effect was dramatic. A multi-celled
>creature could quickly store experience in flexible circuitry. Hardware
>alteration led to equally startling software. A new data device
>augmented the gene. Zoologist Richard Dawkins calls it the meme.
>Memes were not transmissible via inch-long chains of adenine, cytosine,
>guanosine, and thymine corkscrewed in a microscopic clump. They
>were relayed via scent, sight and sound. Memes were form indifferent
>to the substance which carried them. They would provide the key first
>to a knowledge explosion, and later to the evolution of a whole new
>style of worldwide web.
>This episode will chronicle the early rise of memory's child--learning--the
>medium in which memes thrive. It will also move from the networks
>which turned several trillion cells into a larger organism to the meta-
>networks which could knit a group of 30,000 or more multi-cellular
>animals into a superorganism, one endowed with 60,000 eyes, 60,000
>ears, trillions of scent receptors, and 30,000 brains.
> +++++++++++++++++++++
>Virtually all the phyla swimming, walking, flying and crawling the earth
>today arose in a blink of geologic time. The event--the Cambrian
>explosion--lasted a mere 40 million years.
>Fossil evidence of information networking among Cambrian creatures
>has not yet been subjected to systematic analysis. But we have a tool
>with which to probe their data-connection systems. That is inference.
>Many of the behaviors dominating Cambrian descendants today were
>likely to have contributed to the evolutionary success of their venerable
>Cambrian parvenus included: relatives of choanocytes (sponges);
>onychophorans (worm-like beasts with 14-43 pairs of legs found mostly
>today in Australia); mollusks (snails, squid, octopi, oysters and clams),
>echinoderms (starfish, sea urchins, sea cucumbers, and sea lilies); and
>perhaps most important, crustaceans (spiders, shrimp, crabs, and insects);
>and chordates (early vertebrates).
>Among the Cambrian crustaceans were the Eurypterids, prototypes of
>the scorpions which may well have been the first land-walkers. How
>modern were these seven-foot-long, twelve-legged beasts? Skeletal
>remains indicate they carried the equipment standard to even the
>lowliest contemporary arthropod: a digestive tract beginning in a mouth,
>leading to a stomach and ending in an anus; a central nervous system
>complete with brain; a focal ganglionic cable similar to the chord
>innervating your spine; and an extensive lace of wiring which delicately
>controlled the limbs and everything between them. In addition, these
>proto-scorpions of the Cambrian possessed sensors to detect internal
>movement, orientation in space, and the visual, tactile and smell-
>detecting contraptions necessary to pinpoint any scourge or temptation
>gliding in the waters around them. Some of these sensory organs were
>astonishingly intricate. Eurpyterid eyes, according to invertebrate
>zoologist Dr. Kerry B. Clark, could be six inches long. Their size, Clark
>feels, indicates that there was "one hell of a lot of neural processing
>going on in there."
>Once you have visual detectors and a central nervous system, you are
>equipped to do elaborate versions of something individual bacteria could
>only master in a limited way. Take, for example, a descendent of the
>pre-Cambrian mollusks--the octopus. Put a modern octopus in a large
>glass jar. Give it lots of room to move. Dangle something harmless
>outside the walls of its receptacle. Don't worry, it can see. Try, for
>example, a teddy bear. Whenever the stuffed animal appears, electrically
>zap the octopus. After a bunch of tries, unplug your shock producers,
>pop the Steiff bear within the octopus' viewing range, and whomp--the
>beast will jet itself in the opposite direction. Learning!
>But can this form of prudence be networked--can it be passed from one
>octopus to another? Most certainly. Bring in an equally transparent
>container housing a second octopus. Place it next to the octopus you've
>trained. Now show the pre-punished tentacle-bearer the stuffed toy. As
>it whooshes back in panic, its naive neighbor will be watching. Try the
>experiment a few more times, just to make sure the newcomer gets the
>message. No, it has never been stung by shock. But yes, it has seen its
>fellow water denizen indicate that when a cuddly bear appears there may
>be trouble in the offing. Now isolate octopus number two and show it
>the plaything. It will follow the lead of its more experienced conspecific
>and recoil with a speed that will astonish you. What's more, it will
>catch on faster by following the cues of another octopus than if forced
>to learn on its own. Congratulations. You have just uncovered one
>synapse of a social brain--imitative learning.
>You have also witnessed the operation of a primordial meme. No
>cellular material was exchanged. Only photons connected the two
>creatures. Yet the neural response of one octopus was reproduced in the
>brain of the other.
>Alas we have no Cambrian trilobites or proto-scorpions on which to run
>this experiment. However the number of Cambrian creatures with a
>central nervous column and a brain was vast. The eyes and sensors of
>these creatures were intricate and varied. It is a distinct possibility that
>some of them may have been among the first practitioners of monkey
>see, monkey do.
>The emulative compulsion is one of the critical immaterials from which
>collective brains are made. Shortly after 500 million b.c., there arose the
>fish...emulators par excellence. Schooling is one of a fish's most pivotal
>defenses. A mob of potential fillets swims together in unison, each
>carefully heeding the cues it gets from others. As long as the frontal
>portion of its brain is intact, it will slavishly follow the crowd. The
>advantage: a group of relative midgets can ripple like a giant sheet, light
>glinting off its scales in such a way that a predator is dazzled and has
>difficulty focussing attention on any single victim.
>How much do fish rely on imitative learning? To what extent can their
>neural settings be rearranged by proto-memes? Regard the guppy--one
>of evolution's early experiments in fish morphology. Female guppies are
>instinctively biased to prefer males of a deep orange hue. But this does
>not mean they are immune to the imitative learning we call fashion.
>Isolate a guppy from the crowd and train her to prefer a male who is
>paler than the normal sex-arousing shade. Let her loose again among her
>sisters. They will watch her amorous attraction to suitors they had
>previously shunned. Calibrating their behavior to that of the taste-
>maker, others will soon begin a piscine swoon over the formerly
>repulsive pallid beaus. Dawkins gives the memetic example of a melody
>which infects one human mind after another. But in guppies, movement
>cues and preferences in skin tone are equally contagious.
>Once a social group, no matter how primitive, possesses imitative
>learning, the modern data network has begun. Individuals become
>components of a collective intelligence, one which, like a colony of
>bacteria, is expert in what Eshel Ben Jacob calls "quorum sensing"--
>summing individual decisions to arrive at a cooperative-conclusion.
>Extrapolating backwards once again we can deduce that another
>Cambrian descendant introduced a second essential tool into the life of
>the sea: the social hierarchy.
>Among the first crustaceans were tiny Cambrian shrimp. Their later
>relatives, crayfish and lobsters, emerged sometime after 260 million b.c.
>These decapods most likely had mastered imitative behavior. Among
>the first to evolve were spiny lobsters. Some spiny lobsters engage in an
>imitative seasonal migration, parading substantial distances through the
>seas in single file, each following the path and demeanor of the one
>before it. It has been hypothesized that spiny lobsters (Panulirus argus)
>evolved this slavish march to cope with periodic glaciation.(1)
>Dominance hierarchies extended these creatures' capabilities by
>delegating specialized responsibilities to seemingly identical group
>members. Bacteria had divvied up tasks, but they had done it by
>altering the genetic content of a newborn, committing it to a specific
>social purpose for life. Inherent in lobsters and crayfish,(2) on the
>other hand, was the capacity to assume any role the group needed, and
>the set of switches it took to turn those abilities on or off. This gave a
>cluster of crustaceans the capacity for a rapid reprogramming which, in
>bacteria, had depended on population turnover. (Bacteria spawn a new
>generation every 20 minutes.)
>Lobsters live in clusters of cave-like dugouts beneath the sea. At night,
>the males grow restless and roam about, tapping on the door of each
>neighbor. The lobster inside comes to the entrance and faces off with
>the intruder. The showdown's goal is to see who is larger. If the visitor
>can tower over his rearing host, the apartment dweller vacates his home.
>The larger lobster knocks around the new abode for a bit, then goes off
>to the next cave for a visit. If the Homarus making these night-time
>rounds is large enough, by evening's end he's flushed all his neighbors
>from their lairs. Later, he lets them return. But he's proven a point.
>He is in charge. Gradually we will see the impact of this ritual--repeated
>in forms right up to office politics--on collective intelligence.
>Next comes the role of hormones in temporarily restructuring the
>individual. After a pushing match in which the combatants whip their
>antennae and lock claws, the winner struts regally on the tips of his toes.
>The loser slinks subserviently backward. The victor's confidence comes
>from serotonin. The loser's dejection from octopamine. Studies of
>equivalent clashes in crayfish reveal that serotonin alters neuron activity
>so significantly that Stanford University's Russ Fernald says "the animal
>in some sense has a different brain...."
>Serotonin remains a critical hormone in human beings. It is regulated
>by dominance or submission. From episode to episode we shall see the
>importance of serotonin in the unfolding group mind as well.
>In 350 million B.C. another Cambrian descendent appeared--the insect.
>At first, says legendary entomologist E.O. Wilson, insects were probably
>solitary. The fossil evidence supporting this conclusion is strong but not
>definitive. Invertebrate zoologist Dr. K.B. Clark points out, "The most
>primitive living insects are very similar, morphologically, to the oldest
>fossils. They're solitary. These are things like springtails. But social
>behavior has arisen convergently in Hemiptera, Hymenoptera,
>Lepidoptera, Isoptera, and maybe a couple of other orders, so might
>occur earlier than noted." Clark adds that even springtails are not as
William L. Benzon 201.217.1010
708 Jersey Ave. Apt. 2A
Jersey City, NJ 07302 USA
This was distributed via the memetics list associated with the
Journal of Memetics - Evolutionary Models of Information Transmission
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