Everyone seems to be playing the same game by the same rules, thus leading the illusion of universal reality. But it's all really only a game people are playing. Things like society's laws are only real because people agree they are, but in the material world they don't exist; they're made-up, and people made them up. If laws were real it would be impossible to break them. For example, try breaking the law of gravity - real laws take care of themselves! The imaginary, agreed-upon laws are real only insofar as people agree they are, and accordingly patterntheir behavior by them. However, all the agreement in the world can't suppress the real nature of life and nature's true laws; nature behaves according to how it behaves. It exists beyond all man-made laws. The point is: society's laws are a living demonstration of how something imaginary can become a reality of life when everyone is imagining it all at once. Shared, common beliefs constitute a reality in themselves independent of the realities they once referred to. That's why in most situations people aren't reacting to things of the situation themselves, but their own perconceived beliefs about the things or situations. Therefore it's the belief that determines a person's reality; whether or not there's any basis for the belief doesn't matter. Belief doesn't have to be valid in order to shape thought. In fact, the chief function of belief is to shape thought, and belief is mainly used to disseminate information that has no basis in reality. Because if something is real, there's no reason to believe in it - it simply exists, and that's that. There's no need to believe that you have to eat - you get hungry, you eat. Correspondingly, there's no need to believe in sleep or sex or breathing. It's only as things become less actual that belief is required, and the less actual they are, the more belief becomes necessary. I see the process of belief as a process of self-deceptoin. Basically it's a vehicle by which ideas can gain control over people's minds and therefore their lives. Beliefs dictate precise parameters of people's conciousness of their behavior and perceptoins. A belief paints the world in its own image. - Barry Alfonso, from an interview in Re/Search #11 - Pranks