#!/usr/local/bin/perl # GA.pl # defaults given are those in the paper =head1 NOTES As with all the scripts, Perl must be installed. For this script alone, (but none of the others) the Tk library must also be in the lib. On Linux (or similar) you'll need to get Tk from CPAN (www.cpan.org) and install it yourself. On Windows, the best option is to get a recent version of ActivePerl (www.activestate.com), which is free, and has all the Tk libraries ready to go. The usage is: perl -w GA.pl As with all Perl scripts, they are offered as is, without any warranties concerning safety, functionality etc The author welcomes any comments on any aspects of the software. to: dgatherer2002@yahoo.co.uk This is an occasionally on-going project and newer versions of code are frequently available, so if you want the really rough cuts, please ask. =cut #------PRELIMINARIES-------------------------------------------------# use strict; use POSIX; srand(); # initialise randomiser # user-defined global variables are: # 1. length of string (all strings same length in this version) # 2. size of population # 3. number of generations to run # 4. mutation rate # 5. recombination rate # 6. lower cut-off for negative selection (in st.devs.) # 7. upper cut-off for mutation (to protect best strings from mut) # 8. upper cut-off for recombination (likewise from recomb.) # 1-3 must be positive integers # 4 and 5 must be positive floats # 6-8 are floats # all have defaults, as follows: # DEFAULTS FOR GA my $GA_len = 6; # ie. reprate, migrate, contage, nn_cont, cultsel, ysel my $GA_popsize = 50; my $GA_time = 15; # 50 strings of 6, over 15 iterations my $GA_mutrat = 0.05; # low mutation my $GA_recrat = 0.1; # recombine (subject to no protection) my $discard = 0.775; # more than part of a standard dev. below average? then die my $no_mut = 0.5; # where theshold is applied for mut and rec my $no_rec = 0.5; # all below average mutate or recombine my $attrib; # used in recomb etc. my $direction = "D"; # U for up ie. max isolation selected for my @the_G_string = qw(rep_rate contag_rate nn_contag_rate mig_rate cult_sel nat_sel); # must be 'strung' although initialised as hash # GLOBALS FOR SELECTION my $popsize = 200; # initial pop of 200 my $time = 100; # over 100 gens my $line = my $cols = 10; # in a 10 by 10 landscape my @pop; my $pause = 1; # when to stop and draw the map my $capacity = 100000000; my $reps = 2; open GRAPH, ">GA_graph.xls" or die "\ncan't open the graph"; print GRAPH "\nstrings: $GA_popsize over $GA_time"; print GRAPH "\nmutrat: $GA_mutrat"; print GRAPH "\nrecrat: $GA_recrat"; print GRAPH "\nthresholds: die: $discard, recom: $no_rec, mut: $no_mut"; print GRAPH "\nAssessment time: $time"; print GRAPH "\nGen.\tAv.fitness\tst.dev."; #------MAIN CODE SEQUENCE---------------------------------------------# my $GA_pop = &GA_initialise(); # make a population of strings print "\ninitialised..."; &GA_pop_state($GA_pop); # look at it for(my $gen=1;$gen<=$GA_time;$gen++) # for a certain number of cycles { print "\nGeneration $gen"; print GRAPH "\n$gen"; $GA_pop = &GA_assess($GA_pop); # perform simulation calculation $GA_pop = &GA_select($GA_pop); # perform fitness assessment print "\nselected..."; &GA_pop_state($GA_pop); $GA_pop = &GA_reproduce($GA_pop); # discard bad, replicate good # &GA_pop_state($GA_pop); # look at it $GA_pop = &GA_recombine($GA_pop); # recombine it print "\nrecombined..."; # &GA_pop_state($GA_pop); $GA_pop = &GA_mutate($GA_pop); # mutate it print "\nmutated..."; # $GA_pop = &GA_select($GA_pop); # &GA_pop_state($GA_pop); } print "\nresults of GA process"; $GA_pop = &GA_assess($GA_pop); # perform simulation calculation $GA_pop = &GA_select($GA_pop); &GA_pop_state($GA_pop); #-----SUBROUTINES-----------------------------------------------------# sub GA_initialise() # initialise population { my @GA_array; # initialise array for GA my $av_fitness = 0; # initially zero fitness my $st_dev = 0; for(my $y=0;$y<=$GA_popsize-1;$y++) # run through GA pop { my %one_string; # the GA string is actually a hash $one_string{rep_rate} = 0.01; $one_string{contag_rate} = rand(); $one_string{nn_contag_rate} = rand(); $one_string{mig_rate} = 0.1*rand(); # don't want ultra-high mig $one_string{cult_sel} = rand(); $one_string{nat_sel} = rand(); $one_string{g_disp} = 0; $one_string{t_disp} = 0; $one_string{fitness} = $one_string{t_disp}; ($one_string{cult_sel} >=0.5) ? ($one_string{cult_sel} = "Y") : ($one_string{cult_sel} = "N"); ($one_string{nat_sel} >=0.5) ? ($one_string{nat_sel} = "Y") : ($one_string{nat_sel} = "N"); push @GA_array, \%one_string; } # RECORD OF POP my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @GA_array ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, STDEV => $st_dev, }; return $new_pop; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GA_recombine() # rather similar to mutate { print "\nin recombine\n"; my $input = $_[0]; my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS}; my $st_dev = $input ->{STDEV}; my $threshold = $av_fitness - ($no_rec * $st_dev); # threshold at $discard st_devs above mean my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > my @recombed_pop; for(my $i=0; $i<=$#current_pop; $i++) { my %indiv = %{$current_pop[$i]}; my $rand = rand(); if(($rand <= $GA_recrat)) # && ($indiv{t_disp} <= $threshold)) # only recombine subject to recombination rate (default always) { my $chosen_one = -1; # initialise out of range while($chosen_one < 0) { my $rand = rand(); # can recombine with self $chosen_one = floor($rand*$GA_popsize); } print "\nchosen: ".($chosen_one+1)." with: ".($i+1); my %other = %{$current_pop[$chosen_one]}; my $rand = rand(); my $synapse = floor($rand*$GA_len); print " at ".($synapse+1); my %new_GA; for(my $a=0;$a<=$synapse;$a++) { my $attrib = $the_G_string[$a]; $new_GA{$attrib} = $indiv{$attrib}; } for(my $a=$synapse+1;$a<=$GA_len-1;$a++) { my $attrib = $the_G_string[$a]; $new_GA{$attrib} = $other{$attrib}; } $new_GA{t_disp} = $other{t_disp}; $new_GA{g_disp} = $other{g_disp}; $new_GA{fitness} = $other{fitness}; push @recombed_pop, \%new_GA; } else { push @recombed_pop, \%indiv; } } # RECORD OF POP my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @recombed_pop ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, STDEV => $st_dev, }; return $new_pop; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GA_pop_state() # prints current pop { my $input = $_[0]; my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS}; my $st_dev = $input ->{STDEV}; $st_dev = sprintf("%.2f", $st_dev); my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > print "\nfitness: $av_fitness stdev: $st_dev\n"; print GRAPH "\t$av_fitness\t$st_dev"; for(my $p=0; $p<=$#the_G_string; $p++) { print "$the_G_string[$p] "; } print "t_disp g_disp f"; my $line = 0; foreach(@current_pop) { my %indiv = %$_; print "\n".++$line." "; for(my $p=0; $p<=$#the_G_string-2; $p++) { my $attrib = $the_G_string[$p]; printf("%.2f\t", $indiv{$attrib}); } for(my $p=$#the_G_string-1; $p<=$#the_G_string; $p++) { my $attrib = $the_G_string[$p]; print "\t$indiv{$attrib}"; } if(exists($indiv{t_disp}) && exists($indiv{g_disp})) { print "\t$indiv{t_disp}\t$indiv{g_disp}"; # \t$indiv{fitness}"; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GA_mutate() # rather similar to initialise { print "\nin GA_mutate\n"; my $input = $_[0]; my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS}; my $st_dev = $input ->{STDEV}; my $threshold = $av_fitness - ($no_mut*$st_dev); # threshold at 2 st_devs below mean (lowest 5%) my @muted_pop; my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > for(my $i=0; $i<=$#current_pop; $i++) { my %indiv = %{$current_pop[$i]}; my $rand = rand(); if(($rand <= $GA_mutrat)) ## && ($indiv{t_disp} <= $threshold)) # only mutate subject to rate (default always) { $rand = rand(); my $mut_point = floor($rand*$GA_len); print "\nat ".($mut_point+1); print "in $i going to mutate $the_G_string[$mut_point]"; my %new_GA; my $mutated = $the_G_string[$mut_point]; for(my $p=0; $p<=$#the_G_string; $p++) { $attrib = $the_G_string[$p]; $new_GA{$attrib} = $indiv{$attrib}; } if($mut_point <= 3) { $new_GA{$mutated} = $rand; } elsif($mut_point == 4) { ($rand >=0.5) ? ($new_GA{cult_sel} = "Y") : ($new_GA{cult_sel} = "N"); } elsif($mut_point == 5) { ($rand >=0.5) ? ($new_GA{nat_sel} = "Y") : ($new_GA{nat_sel} = "N"); } $new_GA{t_disp} = $indiv{t_disp}; $new_GA{g_disp} = $indiv{g_disp}; $new_GA{fitness} = $indiv{fitness}; $new_GA{rep_rate} = 0.01; # can't mutate rep rate # $new_GA{mig_rate} = 0.01; # can't mutate mig rate, restor if you want to push @muted_pop, \%new_GA; } else { push @muted_pop, \%indiv; } } # RECORD OF POP my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @muted_pop ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, STDEV => $st_dev, }; return $new_pop; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GA_select() { print "\nin GA_select\n"; my $total_fitness = 0; # average population fitness my $input = $_[0]; my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > foreach(@current_pop) { my %indiv = %$_; $total_fitness += $indiv{fitness}; } my $av_fitness = $total_fitness/$GA_popsize; my $fit_variance = 0; # variance of fitness my $deviation = 0; # deviation from mean my $st_dev = 0; # standard deviation foreach(@current_pop) { my %indiv = %$_; $deviation += ($indiv{fitness} - $av_fitness)**2; } $fit_variance = $deviation/($GA_popsize-1); $st_dev = sqrt($fit_variance); # RECORD OF POP my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @current_pop ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, STDEV => $st_dev, }; return $new_pop; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub GA_reproduce() # rather similar to recombine { print "\nin reproduce\n"; my $input = $_[0]; my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS}; my $st_dev = $input ->{STDEV}; my $threshold; # threshold at 2 st_devs below mean (lowest 5%) my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > my @selected_pop; # discard all those under specified fitness for(my $i=0; $i<=$#current_pop; $i++) { my %indiv = %{$current_pop[$i]}; if($direction eq "U") # ie seln for max isol { $threshold = ($av_fitness - ($discard*$st_dev)); if($indiv{t_disp} <= $threshold) # only discard if score is under average { my $chosen_one = -1; # initialise out of range while($chosen_one < 0) { my $rand = rand(); # can recombine with self $chosen_one = floor($rand*$GA_popsize); } print "\nchosen: ".($chosen_one+1)." replacing: ".($i+1); my %other = %{$current_pop[$chosen_one]}; my %new_GA; for(my $p=0; $p<=$#the_G_string; $p++) { $attrib = $the_G_string[$p]; $new_GA{$attrib} = $other{$attrib}; } $new_GA{t_disp} = $other{t_disp}; $new_GA{g_disp} = $other{g_disp}; $new_GA{fitness} = $other{g_disp}; push @selected_pop, \%new_GA; } else { push @selected_pop, \%indiv; } # keep it } elsif($direction eq "D") # ie seln for min isol { $threshold = ($av_fitness + ($discard*$st_dev)); if($indiv{t_disp} >= $threshold) # only discard if score is under average { my $chosen_one = -1; # initialise out of range while($chosen_one < 0) { my $rand = rand(); # can recombine with self $chosen_one = floor($rand*$GA_popsize); } print "\nchosen: ".($chosen_one+1)." replacing: ".($i+1); my %other = %{$current_pop[$chosen_one]}; my %new_GA; for(my $p=0; $p<=$#the_G_string; $p++) { $attrib = $the_G_string[$p]; $new_GA{$attrib} = $other{$attrib}; } $new_GA{t_disp} = $other{t_disp}; $new_GA{g_disp} = $other{g_disp}; $new_GA{fitness} = $other{g_disp}; push @selected_pop, \%new_GA; } else { push @selected_pop, \%indiv; } # keep it } } # RECORD OF POP my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @selected_pop ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, STDEV => $st_dev, }; return $new_pop; } #----SUBROUTINES-----------------------------------------------# sub GA_assess { print "\nin GA_assess\n"; my $input = $_[0]; my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS}; my $st_dev = $input ->{STDEV}; my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > my @new_pop; foreach(@current_pop) { my %indiv = %$_; for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++) { for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++) { $pop[$x][$y] = 0; } } my $g_disp_av = my $t_disp_av = 0; for(my $runs=1; $runs<=$reps; $runs++) { $popsize = 200; # reset for each run my $pop = &evenly_initialise(); my $g_disp = my $t_disp = 0; for(my $gen=1;$gen<=$time;$gen++) # for a certain number of cycles { $pop = &reproduce($pop, \%indiv); # replicate and pass traits by contagion $pop = &migrate($pop, \%indiv); # move strings over grid if($gen%$pause ==0) { ($g_disp, $t_disp) = &pop_state($pop); } # look at it } $g_disp_av += $g_disp; $t_disp_av += $t_disp; } $g_disp_av /= $reps; $t_disp_av /= $reps; $indiv{g_disp} = $g_disp_av; $indiv{t_disp} = $t_disp_av; $indiv{fitness} = $t_disp_av; push @new_pop, \%indiv; } my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @new_pop ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, STDEV => $st_dev, }; return $new_pop; } #---------------------------------------------------------------------- sub pop_state() # prints current pop { my $input = $_[0]; my $av_fitness = $input ->{FITNESS}; my @current_pop = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }; > my @gene_state; # arrays for calculating the my @trait_state; # horizontal and vertical dispersal for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++) { for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++) { my $freq_A = my $freq_1 = 0; my $cell_count = 0; # how many per cell foreach(@current_pop) { my $xcoord = $_ -> { LOCATION }[0]; my $ycoord = $_ -> { LOCATION }[1]; if($xcoord == $x && $ycoord == $y) { $cell_count++; if($_ -> { TRAIT } eq "A") { $freq_A++; } if($_ -> { SERIAL_NUM } == 1) { $freq_1++; } } } $pop[$x][$y] = $cell_count; if($freq_A == 0 && $freq_1 == 0 && $pop[$x][$y] == 0) { $trait_state[$x][$y] = 0; $gene_state[$x][$y] = 0; } else { $freq_A /= $pop[$x][$y]; $freq_1 /= $pop[$x][$y]; $trait_state[$x][$y] = $freq_A; $gene_state[$x][$y] = $freq_1; } } } my($g, $t) = &disp_calc(\@gene_state, \@trait_state); return ($g, $t); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub reproduce() # rather similar to recombine { my ($input, $params) = @_; my %params = %$params; my $rep_rate = $params{rep_rate}; my $contag_rate = $params{contag_rate}; my $nn_contag_rate = $params{nn_contag_rate}; my $cult_sel = $params{cult_sel}; my $nat_sel = $params{nat_sel}; my $contag_events = my $repro_events = 0; # how many per cycles for(my $b=0;$b<=$popsize-1;$b++) # run through pop { my $rand = rand(); $rand = rand(); if($nat_sel =~ /Y/i && @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} eq "A") { $rand /= 2; # double the random number } if($rand < $rep_rate) # also duplicate every 10th one { my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0]; my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1]; if($pop[$xcoord][$ycoord] < $capacity) { my @new_one_seq; my $new_seq = { LOCATION => [ $xcoord, $ycoord ], FITNESS => @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{FITNESS}, SERIAL_NUM => @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{SERIAL_NUM}, LINEAGE => @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LINEAGE}, TRAIT => @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT}, }; @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$popsize++] = $new_seq; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]++; $repro_events++; } } $rand = rand(); if($cult_sel =~ /Y/i && @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} eq "A") { $rand *= 2; # halve the random number } if($rand < $contag_rate) # and contage every 10th one { my $chosen_one = floor($rand*$popsize); while(abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0] - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{ LOCATION }[0]) > 1 || abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1] - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] -> { LOCATION }[1]) > 1) { # replace with random other string my $chos_rand = rand(); $chosen_one = floor($chos_rand*$popsize); } # first allow (smaller?) chance of contagion to neighbours if($rand < $nn_contag_rate) { if(abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0] - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{ LOCATION }[0]) <= 1 && abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1] - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] -> { LOCATION }[1]) <= 1) { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} = @{ $input ->{POPULATION}} }[$chosen_one] ->{TRAIT}; my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0]; # direct access, better ?? my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1]; # yes, same method for string access my $trait = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { TRAIT }; $contag_events++; next; # only one contag per indiv per gen } } else { while(abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0] - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] ->{ LOCATION }[0]) > 0 || abs(@{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1] - @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$chosen_one] -> { LOCATION }[1]) > 0) { # replace with random other string my $chos_rand = rand(); $chosen_one = floor($chos_rand*$popsize); } @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{TRAIT} = @{ $input ->{POPULATION}} }[$chosen_one] ->{TRAIT}; my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[0]; # direct access, better ?? my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { LOCATION }[1]; # yes, same method for string access my $trait = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] -> { TRAIT }; $contag_events++; next; } } } return $input; } #-------------------------------------------------------------------- sub migrate() # rather similar to reproduce { my ($input, $params) = @_; my %params = %$params; my $mig_rate = $params{mig_rate}; my $migrats = 0; # how many for(my $b=0;$b<=$popsize-1;$b++) { my $rand = rand(); if($rand < $mig_rate) { # choose $rand = rand(); # random direction my $xcoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]; my $ycoord = @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]; if($rand <= 0.125 && $xcoord >0 && $ycoord >0) # go up and left { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]--; @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]--; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $pop[$xcoord-1][$ycoord-1]++; $migrats++; } elsif($rand <= 0.25 && $xcoord >0) # go straight up { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]--; $pop[$xcoord-1][$ycoord]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } elsif($rand <= 0.375 && $xcoord >0 && $ycoord <$cols-1) # go up and right { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]--; @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]++; $pop[$xcoord-1][$ycoord+1]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } elsif($rand <= 0.5 && $ycoord <$cols-1) # go straight right { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord+1]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } elsif($rand <= 0.625 && $xcoord <$line-1 && $ycoord <$cols-1) # go down and right { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]++; @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]++; $pop[$xcoord+1][$ycoord+1]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } elsif($rand <= 0.75 && $xcoord <$line-1) # go straight down { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]++; $pop[$xcoord+1][$ycoord]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } elsif($rand <= 0.825 && $xcoord < $line-1 && $ycoord > 0) # go down and left { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[0]++; @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]--; $pop[$xcoord+1][$ycoord-1]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } elsif($ycoord >0) # go straight left { @{ $input ->{POPULATION} }[$b] ->{LOCATION}[1]--; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord-1]++; $pop[$xcoord][$ycoord]--; $migrats++; } } } return $input; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub evenly_initialise() # initialise population { my @seq_array; # initialise array for seqs my $indiv_fitness = 0; # fitness of string, only used when seln. operating my $av_fitness = 0; # for whole pop, only used when seln. operating my $st_dev = 0; # ditto for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++) { for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++) { if($popsize < ($line*$cols)) { die "popsize too small" }; for(my $z=0;$z<=($popsize/($line*$cols))-1;$z++) # run through pop { my @one_seq; # re-initialise each string my $rand = rand(); # decide on horiz trait state my $horiz_trait; my $initial_id; if ($rand < 0.25) { #print "A" ; $horiz_trait = "A"; } elsif ($rand < 0.5) { #print "B" ; $horiz_trait = "B"; } elsif ($rand < 0.75) { #print "C" ; $horiz_trait = "C"; } else { #print "O"; $horiz_trait = "O"; } $rand = rand(); # decide on vertical trait state if ($rand < 0.25) { #print "A" ; $initial_id = 1; } elsif ($rand < 0.5) { #print "B" ; $initial_id = 2; } elsif ($rand < 0.75) { #print "C" ; $initial_id = 3; } else { #print "O"; $initial_id = 4; } # RECORD OF SEQUENCE my $new_seq = { LOCATION => [ $x, $y ], # all are initially in square 0,0 FITNESS => $indiv_fitness, # if required SERIAL_NUM => $initial_id, # for lineage mapping LINEAGE => $initial_id, # will be grown, as lineage unfolds TRAIT => $horiz_trait, # will pass by contagion }; push @seq_array, $new_seq; } } } # RECORD OF POP my $new_pop = { POPULATION => [ @seq_array ], FITNESS => $av_fitness, # if required STDEV => $st_dev, # if required }; return $new_pop; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------# sub disp_calc() # calculates dispersals { my($gene_state, $trait_state) = @_; my $total_genes = my $total_traits = my $nbrd_genes = my $nbrd_traits =0; my @genes = @$gene_state; my @traits = @$trait_state; for(my $x=0; $x<=$line-1; $x++) { for(my $y=0; $y<=$cols-1; $y++) { if($genes[$x][$y] >= 0.5) { $total_genes++; unless($x == 0 || $y == 0 || $x == $line-1 || $y == $cols-1) { if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5 ||$genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } else { if($x == 0 && $y == 0) # top left { if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { # print "\tnn also maj."; $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($x == 0 && $y == $cols-1) # top right { if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { # print "\tnn also maj."; $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == 0) # bottom left { if($genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == $cols-1) # bottom right { if($genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($x == 0) # top row { if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($y == 0) # left column { if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($x == $line-1) # bottom row { if($genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 ||$genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } elsif($y == $cols-1) # right column { if($genes[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 ||$genes[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $genes[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_genes++; } } } } if($traits[$x][$y] >= 0.5) { $total_traits++; unless($x == 0 || $y == 0 || $x == $line-1 || $y == $cols-1) { if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5 ||$traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } else { if($x == 0 && $y == 0) # top left { if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($x == 0 && $y == $cols-1) # top right { if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == 0) # bottom left { if($traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($x == $line-1 && $y == $cols-1) # bottom right { if($traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($x == 0) # top row { if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($y == 0) # left column { if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($x == $line-1) # bottom row { if($traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y+1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 ||$traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y+1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } elsif($y == $cols-1) # right column { if($traits[$x+1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x-1][$y] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x][$y-1] >= 0.5 ||$traits[$x-1][$y-1] >= 0.5 || $traits[$x+1][$y-1] >= 0.5) { $nbrd_traits++; } } } } } } my $g_dispersal; my $t_dispersal; return ($total_genes-$nbrd_genes, $total_traits-$nbrd_traits); }