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The filter program has a convenient way of check out the rules
you have written. Simply invoke it with the -r (rules) option:
% filter -r
Rule 1: if (from = "!uucp") then
Rule 2: if (to = "postmaster") then
Save /tmp/postmaster-mail.3
Rule 3: if (to = "culture" and lines > 20) then
Save ~/Mail/culture
Rule 4: if (subject = "filter test") then
Forward hpldat!test
Rule 5: if (subject="elm") then
Copy and Save ~/Mail/elm-incoming
Rule 6: if (subject="display-to-console") then
Execute "cat - > /dev/console"
There are a few things to notice - first off, these are the
parsed and rebuilt rules, so we see them all in a consistent
format. Also, notice on the filename for rule 2 that filter has
correctly expanded the %d macro to be the day of the week (in
this case, Wednesday, denoted by the digit '3').
It is highly recommended that you always check your ruleset
before actually using it to filter your mail!
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