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... when things go well

KTMorning ITD KT speaking
CallerMorning KT, it's PD again
KTHello, how are you? [laughter]
CallerCan I book the car for 10 o'clock again please?
KTYes, which one was it that you like?
CallerOkay, ZKJ292
KT292. Um for 10.30?
CallerNo, no. 10 till 12
KT10 till 12. And is it to go to the same place?
CallerYes, same place. Elex Adelaide
KTNot a problem, I'll put it in
CallerThanks for that KT
KTOkay, thank you, bye
who: PD
extn: _
car: ZKJ292
dest: Adelaide
from time: 10:00
to time: 12:00