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Call #1

KT Good afternoon ITD, KT speaking
Caller Oh good afternoon, I have booked a car for tomorrow, a divisional car;
KT [Right]
Caller [I] have to ring you here?
KT Yes
Caller So I booked a COMMS division car, ZKJ292 for 9.30 till 12.00
KT 9.30 to 12.00
Caller We are going to Adelaide
KT And it was the ZKJ?
Caller Yeah. 292
KT 292. And what was your name?
Caller Ah PD
KT Right and your extension number?
Caller 97313
KT 97313. Um did you want to just wait while I um check that it's available?
Caller I have booked it [not clear] I did this this afternoon before I got the message
KT [laughter] Okay
Caller Okay
KT Not a problem
Caller That'll be okay?
KT Thank you
Caller Okay, thank you KT
KT Yes, bye
Caller Bye